The Gene Keys &
The Golden Path – Introduction

Richard Rudd provides a beautiful Introduction
to the
Gene Keys and The Golden Path in this video.

"We each contain a secret message - an essence. 
The point of the Gene Keys is to unlock the code and release your message, your special essence, into the world."
Richard Rudd

Welcome Newcomer's to The Gene Keys

“Does your DNA have a hidden purpose, and could it be the transformation of consciousness itself? Gene Keys offers a means of unlocking your untapped potential by awakening the sleeping genius inside you.” Richard Rudd

Where do I begin?
This is the question I hear the most when sharing the Gene Keys, I hope the links below will help on your journey of self illumination.

Begin by creating Your Hologenetic Profile:

FREE Hologenetic Profile

How to Read Your Profile:

  • The Frequency Band: Shadow, Gift, Siddhi
  • The 11 Spheres
  • The 6 Lines
  • The Golden Path Sequences

A Simple Introduction to the Gene Keys by Richard Rudd

About The Gene Keys

Register for this FREE course: New to the Gene Keys

Your Gene Keys Profile

is the beginning of an epic journey
into the depths of your soul.

Each Gene Key in your Profile is a portal of transformation that can be activated through the power of contemplation.

To fully understand your Profile you are recommended to explore the Golden Path Program - a guided journey that shows you how to apply this wisdom to your life.

Gene Keys Courses:

The Golden Path Program

The Activation Sequence

The Venus Sequence

The Pearl Sequence

The Art of Contemplation

7 Days of Grace

and more...

Gene Keys Books:

The Gene Keys

The 64 Ways

The Art of Contemplation

and more...

Gene Keys Resources:

The Triple Flame App

The Gene Keys Living Library

The Pulse: Gene Key of the Week & Newsletter

The Gene Keys Glossary of Empowerment

The Great Change & 55th Gene Key

Spectrum of Consciousness

Human Design & Gene Keys

"Based on a fundamental code of consciousness and inspired by the Chinese I Ching, the Gene Keys are an inner journey whose purpose is to transform our core beliefs about ourselves, thus raising our lives onto a whole new level of awareness." Richard Rudd

"If you move against evolution at a time such as this,
you will meet an opposing force that is incomprehensible."
Richard Rudd, Gene Key 59

The 64 Gene Keys

Spectrum of Consciousness

In the Gene Keys Synthesis, the vibratory rate of your aura is mirrored in three frequency ‘bands’ known as the Shadow, the Gift and the Siddhi.

Although there are in fact many layers or bandwidths of frequency, this threefold language makes the Gene Keys simple to understand, contemplate and ultimately embody.

The three frequency bands are laid out precisely through the Spectrum of Consciousness — the linguistic map of the 64 Gene Keys and their frequency bands.

The 64 Siddhis

Siddhi (Frequency) — The frequency band relating to full embodiment and spiritual realisation. The very concept of frequencies and levels paradoxically dissolves when the Truth is realised as a Siddhi.

The word ‘siddhi’ is from the Sanskrit meaning ‘Divine Gift’. The siddhic state only comes about when all vestiges of the Shadow, particularly at a collective level, have been transformed into light.

Continue reading about Siddhis in the Gene Keys Glossary>>>


Introduction to the 55th Gene Key by Richard Rudd

Did you know that you have a unique genetic sequence that dictates the unfolding of your true nature? The purpose of the Gene Keys is to unlock this higher purpose hidden in your DNA. The greater self — the cosmic part of each of us that transcends our mortal body — has lain secretly hidden inside humanity for aeons. Because it is inside your body, right under your nose as it were, the mass of humanity has never thought to look in such an obvious place for a lasting sense of peace and fulfilment.

Up until now, the inner journey has been for the select few — those bold adventurers and courageous pioneers of the inner planes. Because of this our true divinity has seemed far away from the common man, whose more immediate concern has been to survive and manage life in the external world.

All of this is about to change. As you travel through the many layers of frequency within the Gene Keys, you will begin to have an idea of how rich, how beautiful and how diverse is the journey to awakening. In the myths of all cultures, keys have been left that speak to us about the coming time of the Great Change.

Humanity is feeling this change now because it is taking place now. Within a relatively short evolutionary period, the world we are living in will be transformed into a world that most of us would consider pure fantasy. You are alive at a deeply romantic moment — it is the moment in which the prince kisses Sleeping Beauty and she suddenly, fully awakens. And as she awakens the world is transformed.

This Great Change is the central theme woven into every single aspect of the Gene Keys wisdom. If you are reading these words, your inner guidance has seen fit to remind you of this extraordinary prescient event, either to confirm or trigger your own personal process of awakening.

continue reading>>>

Listen to the 55th Gene Key read by Richard Rudd

From The Gene Keys Glossary of Empowerment:

Introduction By Richard Rudd:

The following Glossary, found in the back of the Gene Keys book, is designed as a contemplative tool in its own right as well as a reference for understanding the Gene Keys terminology. Each word contains an empowerment, as does its description, so that as you contemplate these words and their deeper meanings as well as their relevance to your life, they may over time help you to raise your own frequency. The Glossary also operates in a holographic way, so that one term appears within another. The more words you therefore contemplate, the deeper the wisdom moves within you and the more clearly you will see the overall vista. Eventually the words themselves and their meanings may become embedded in you as a field of higher remembrance that transcends the language itself.

Frequency — A means of measuring the vibratory nature of radiant energy such as sound, light or even awareness. The central premise of the Gene Keys Synthesis is that you can alter the frequency of light passing through your DNA, thereby speeding up or slowing down the force of evolution itself. Through deep contemplation on the 64 Gene Keys and their teachings, you can raise the frequency of your DNA and thus change the vibratory frequency of your aura, coming into higher and higher states of harmony with the universal field.

Frequency Band — In the Gene Keys Synthesis, the vibratory rate of your aura is mirrored in three frequency ‘bands’ known as the Shadow, the Gift and the Siddhi. Although there are in fact many layers or bandwidths of frequency, this threefold language makes the Gene Keys simple to understand, contemplate and ultimately embody. The three frequency bands are laid out precisely through the Spectrum of Consciousness — the linguistic map of the 64 Gene Keys and their frequency bands.

Gene Key — One of 64 universal attributes of consciousness. Each Gene Key is a multi-dimensional portal into your inner being whose sole purpose is to activate your higher purpose and ultimately allow you to embrace your own Divinity. One way in which your higher purpose is activated is through sustained contemplation of the Gene Keys and their frequency bands.

Gene Keys Synthesis — The Gene Keys transmission made manifest as a new body of world teachings. The Gene Keys Synthesis is a holographic synthesis of many of the great lineages and strands of human spiritual teachings and paths. The Gene Keys Synthesis is one of the most comprehensive and accessible holistic systems for exploring, understanding and integrating the vast changes currently taking place across the face of our planet.

The Great Change — A phase of evolution in which all systems within our universe will make a quantum leap into a higher dimension. The Great Change refers to a specific time period in which human awareness is moving from being self-centered to being collective. In order for this shift to take place a worldwide genetic mutation is underway within the human species.

This unprecedented event is taking root within humanity between the years 1987 and 2027 and its repercussions will continue to evolve and transform our species for many hundreds of years. The result of the Great Change will be the gradual dawning of a new kind of human, Homo sanctus, the sacred human. Because all systems and species throughout the universe are holographically interconnected, the Great Change is not local to our solar system alone, but is one part of a vast ripple passing throughout the immensity of spacetime.

Consciousness — Consciousness is all that exists. As the source and creator of reality, it is indivisible, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. Consciousness does not necessarily involve or require awareness. It is the ground of all being and non being.

NOTE: there are many more entries to explore in The Gene Keys Glossary of Empowerment continue reading>>>