Why a Quantum Approach to Wellness?

There is nothing solid under the sun

Think of your body as a process, the body is continuously "assembled" as you can see in this excerpt from the Attractor Field Techniques Manual, which is included in the Quantum Wellness program:

What do the AFT formulas do the body?

"The formulas produce changes in the nonphysical energy flows through the "Meridians", or energy pathways, which "construct" each individual's concept of the physical self. In other words, the body is continuously "assembled" from physical materials, atoms, molecules, etc., according to the "blueprints" created by the specific Meridian energy flows, which are themselves governed by the thoughts and beliefs that we consciously hold." R.K. Ebert, PhD

There is no matter as such,
as Max Planck, German theoretical physicist says:

“As a man who has devoted his whole life
to the most clearheaded science,
to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result
of my research about the atoms this much:
There is no matter as such!

All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force
which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and
holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. . . .
We must assume behind this force the existence of
a conscious and intelligent Mind.
This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”

Max Planck, German theoretical physicist

"For the first time in Man's history,
we have the tools at our disposal to keep at bay
the unseen forces that rule our existence."
R.K. Ebert, PhD Developer of AFT,
The Attractor Field Techniques

“The context from which AFT springs is that illness results from our
thoughts becoming manifest. The body and mind are one, the same thing.
The body itself is just a “slow” reflection of the energy of our mind.”
R.K. Ebert, PhD

"Behind everything manifestly evident are energetic attractor fields
which precede manifestation. For better or worse, we inadvertently
tune our own energies to be in accord with these fields
through our thoughts." R.K. Ebert, PhD

Deepak Chopra on Reinventing the Body:
"You have to change your perception of your physical body because we are talking about literally reinventing the body.
Your physical body is not physical, your material body is not material.

You have to start thinking of your body as an activity, as a process, if I may say it so, instead of a noun, as a verb, an activity. So our bodies are constantly in the river of change and transformation. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said: 
"No man can step into the same river twice,
because it's a new man and it's a new river."

Likewise, your true self cannot step into the same flesh and bones twice, because in every moment of your life, you are actually in the river of change which is your physical body." Deepak Chopra, MD from TED Talk "Reinventing the Body"

“Your body solid as it appears to me right now
is 99.999% vacuum space
filled with an electromagnetic field which is super dense
that organizes the reality of tissue around it,
this solid is organized by the vacuum and
so that thing, that thing that organizes Jay Shetty
every millionth of a second to reorganize itself
because you disappear and reappear constantly
approximately every millionth of a second
and you keep being you, you keep
coming back every millionth of a second.
So one million times a second I am re-manifesting in front of you
with a map from that electromagnetic field.” Dr. Zach Bush

Watch Dr. Bush in this video: www.luminouslivingacademy.com/p/the-field

"The energy fields of disease states are created by our thoughts,
and always precede observable disease states. 
Research has shown that reliable changes in the bioelectric potential
of meridian points occur months before any physically observable
signs of breast cancer appear in women for example."
R.K. Ebert, PhD

AFT sees disease resulting from our habitual response to stress.
We work with the energies that run your body;
we do nothing with or to the body.

"You only have the physical problems that you have
because you generate the energies that allow them to arise. 
As ye so, so shall ye reap. 
The great masters said it all a long time ago. 
It is time to recognize the truth in their words."
R.K. Ebert, PhD

"Future generations, looking back, will regard conventional medicine
during the twentieth century as being as limited as five-finger arithmetic.
A new medicine is arising - one which embraces spirituality and consciousness
as emphatically as conventional medicine has dismissed them."
Larry Dossey, MD

AFT embraces both spirituality and consciousness.

“The context from which AFT springs is that illness results from our
thoughts becoming manifest. The body and mind are one, the same thing.
The body itself is just a “slow” reflection of the energy of our mind.”
R.K. Ebert, PhD

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